Sales Culture

The importance of a strong Sales Culture

Sales culture refers to the values, norms, and practices that characterize a company's approach to sales.

This culture is crucial for how sales processes are handled, how salespeople and customer-facing employees interact with customers, and how sales strategies are implemented and executed.

A strong sales culture can contribute to increased efficiency, better customer experiences, and higher sales figures.

The customer journey in the B2B market


In the B2B market, the customer journey is often more complex and longer than in the B2C market. It involves several phases - the phases can look like this:

1. Awareness of need: The customer becomes aware of a need or problem that needs to be solved. Initial considerations: The customer examines possible solutions in relation to needs, requirements and wishes - sets up and considers different scenarios regarding finances and implementation/commissioning.

2. Initial considerations: The customer examines various opportunities  in regards to fulfilling need and consider financial scenarios

3.Active outreach: The customer seeks out and short list possible suppliers, investigates price, quality, delivery options and possible after-sales service.

4. Procurement design: The customer defines and describes the desired solution and requirement specifications Consulting and solution design: 

5. Solution design and advice: Specific and selected suppliers provide additional advice and input in regards to their solution.  A quote or an  offer is submitted. Negotiation is taking place

6. Decision making: The customer evaluates various offers and chose a specific solution and supplier for final negotiations.

7. Implementation: The solution is implemented/delivered and the customer starts using the solution/product or service.

8. AftersalesThe customer experience is assessed and a long-term collaboration is potentially established. Follow-up and service agreements are executed. 

9.LoyaltyThrough cooperation, value creation and customer care, customer loyalty is maintained and developed - so that any additional or cross-selling is achieved.

Common Ground and Aligned Processes

To ensure an effective and coherent sales effort, it is important to have a common basis and aligned processes and methods in the sales organization and in the company in general.

This involves:

Standardized Sales Processes: Uniform procedures and guidelines for how sales should take place, from lead generation to closing and subsequent follow-up and aftersales.

Training and Development: Continuous education and training of the sales team/customer-facing employees to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge.

Customer orientation: A common understanding of the importance of putting the customer first, understanding the customer's needs and adapting solutions accordingly.

Collaboration and Communication: Effective internal communication and collaboration between sales, marketing, and other relevant departments to ensure a smooth customer journey.

The Importance of a Strong Sales Culture

A strong sales culture within the company leads to:

Increased efficiency: Clearer processes and fewer misunderstandings between team members.

Better Customer Experiences: A consistent and customer-centric approach creates trust and satisfaction with customers.

Improved Collaboration: Clear communication and common goals foster a positive collaborative environment.

Increased Sales: A motivated and well-trained sales force is better equipped to identify and capitalize on sales opportunities

Summarized point is, that an optimized Sales Culture is vital for creating a successful (sales)organization, that are able to navigate thru the sometimes complex customer journey - and hence achieve both short and long terms succes for the company and the employees.

Customers decision making process has changed

We see that customers decision making process has changed a lot over the past 10-15 years. Especially due to access to the internet and other digital technology, which enables customers to investigate possible solutions, price, offerings etc.,  BEFORE they contact a possible supplier or business partner.

Surveys shows that customers today investigate and explore options, prices etc.  as far as up to 60-70% into their decision making process BEFORE they contact a possible supplier for advise, quotes and prices.



This creates new demands on how we work with customers; how we ensure that they know we are in the market in areas where we can help them and where needs may arise.

An optimized Sales Culture, a good Sales Strategy, hard-core selections/de-selection of customers and segments, combined with professionel account plans an d the right skills and tools, significantly increase the chances of success.

Contact us on +45 6013 6633 and learn how we have helped others with exactly this.