
When we define the Customer Strategy together, we decide who we want to sell to; we coordinate internal roles, customer responsibilities are distributed and we make (account) plans for how, when and why we contact customers. We also assess the potential in relation to budgeting (revenue and earnings).

We typically work with 4 customer segments:



It is usually said that if selling more of the same thing to an existing customer is equal to factor 1 - then it is 2 - 5 times as demanding (time, meetings, resources, marketing, discounts, etc.) to sell something else to that customer same customer. (It may be a completely different contact person at the customer).

Acquiring completely new customers is by a factor of 8 - 12, again compared to selling more of the same to an existing customer.

The last segment is to win back lost or former customers - this is by a factor of +20.

It is therefore important that the company has a clear customer strategy that names the customers in the 4 segments that must be worked with over a given period.

It is important to define who in the company is responsible for working with the customers in the 4 segments.

It is often not the same profiles, procedure and approach. Regardless, the right, usable tools and skills must be present for optimal success.


Let us facilitate a workshop where, together with your management, we refine, define  and optimize your Customer Strategy.

With over 20 years of international consulting experience, we have tools and methods that create results in a simple and clear way - every time!

We bring inspiration, motivation, spirit and humor - we challenge and certainly ask "stupid questions".

We start and follow up!

Call today on +45 6013 6633 and get a no-obligation consultation.