The Customer Journey

A well-defined customer journey (customer experience) helps companies understand and meet customer needs at each step or stage of the journey, leading to stronger relationships and increased success.

Defining the customer journey describes the different stages a company goes through from the first meeting with a potential supplier or partner to the final decision to purchase and subsequent relationships.

Understanding the customer journey optimizes our chances for sales in general, but also up-sells and cross-sells.

The customer journey may well be different from product to product and from customer segment to customer segment if we deliver different products and services to different customer groups.

Example of a Customer Journey:

Aligning responsibilities and roles in each phase internally within the company is essential for a smooth customer journey.

The phases in the customer journey can look like this:

1.Awareness:The customer becomes aware of a need they have or a problem that needs to be solved or avoided.

2. Considerations:The customer examines possible solutions in relation to needs, requirements and wishes - sets up and considers various scenarios regarding finance and implementation/commissioning.

3.Prospecting:The customer seeks out possible suppliers, investigates price, quality, delivery and possibly after-sales service.

4. Purchase design:The customer defines and describes the desired solution and requirements specifications

5. Advice and solution design:Selected suppliers provide specific advice and input on their solution; specific offer is submitted. Negotiation.

6. Decision:The customer evaluates and chooses a specific solution and supplier.

7. Delivery/implementation:The solution is implemented/delivered and the customer starts using the solution/product or service.

8. Aftersales:The customer experience is assessed, and a long-term collaboration is potentially established. Follow-up and service agreements are carried out.

9. Loyalty:Through cooperation, value creation and customer care, customer loyalty is maintained and developed - so possibly up-selling or cross-selling is achieved.


Let us facilitate a workshop where, together with your management, we refine and optimize your Customer Iourney.

With over 20 years of international consulting experience, we have tools and methods that create results in a simple and clear way - every time!

We bring inspiration, motivation, spirit and humor - we challenge and certainly ask "stupid questions".

We start and follow up!

Call today on +45 6013 6633 and get a no-obligation consultation.