
What is Sales Strategy then?

The Sales Strategy describes the overall game-plan we work from - enabling us moving from current position ( Today ) to a new desired position ( Our Goal ).

The Sales Strategy is therefore a plan or set of tactics used by the company to sell its products or services effectively and thereby achieve its sales and business goals.

A well-defined sales strategy helps to maximize the benefit of what we do, specifically by defining the Customer Strategy, optimizing the Sales Process and describing the Customer Journey.

Some of the key elements we therefore look at together in a typical sales strategy workshop deal with, among other things:

Target group identification: Determining who the potential customers are, their needs, preferences and buying behavior.

Value Proposition: Defining what makes the company's products or services unique and how they meet customer needs better than competitors.

The sales process: Develop a step-by-step process for how the sale should be completed, from first contact with the customer to closing the sale and follow-up.

Channel strategy: Deciding which channels to use to reach customers, such as direct sales, online platforms, retailers, etc.

Pricing strategy: Set a price that reflects the value of the product and is competitive in the market.

Sales goals/budgets: Set specific, measurable goals for the sales team, such as revenue, market share, or customer satisfaction.

Sales Training and People Development: Ensure that the sales team is well trained and equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to execute the strategy.

Measurement and Evaluation: Continuously monitor sales results and adjust strategy based on feedback and market changes.

An effective sales strategy is always adapted to the company's overall business strategy and goals.

The sales strategy must be dynamic so that it can be continuously adapted to changes in the market and customer needs.

Let us facilitate a workshop where, together with your management, we refine, define  and optimize your Sales Strategy.

With over 20 years of international consulting experience, we have tools and methods that create results in a simple and clear way - every time!

We bring inspiration, motivation, spirit and humor - we challenge and certainly ask "stupid questions".

We start and follow up!

Call today on +45 6013 6633 and get a no-obligation consultation.